
Last Blog

 As this year winds down I realize how beneficial these blogs were. I am very grateful for Mrs. Williams and her class. These blogs actually did great things for me. The blogs allowed me to express my thoughts and get things off my chest. Though the assignments may have been overwhelming for me at times, looking back on it I feel like that was something that can help me be better for my future. I was told that writing is one of the best ways to relieve stress and get things off of your mind. As I reflect back on all the blogs I have done this year, I realize that some of them were really just a message to self. Of course they were able to potentially help other people, but they helped me tremendously as well.  This past school year I was able to tap in to a different creative side of me. I learned new strategies to writing, and I received plenty of motivation and reason for writing. The blogs were only a portion of the writing I have done this year.  Everything in life happens for a re

Finding Purpose

 One thing a lot of people like me forget, is the fact that we are young. Being young doesn’t mean we are invincible, but it does mean the more we screw up, the less it matters.  When you are in your teens, and early twenties, you are in a stage where you are trying to figure out who you are going to be for the rest of your life, and your PURPOSE. I hear this word a lot. “Purpose.” What does it mean? Why is it so important? Why does everyone freak out about it? All the thoughts that come to my head when I hear, “purpose,” make a little nervous or anxious because I do not know what the future holds. However, my life is in God’s hands.  On 31 Ways to Become a Better Man blog it talks about purpose. One of the first things it says is actually a question. “Do you know what your purpose in life is.” This is a heavy question that I know most young people are trying to figure out. The blog goes on to say, “Contemplating this question will give you valuable insight into what you should probabl

Benefits of Healthy Thoughts

 Everyone knows that you can’t control every thought that comes to your mind, but you can train your mind to produce better thoughts. It’s just like sports. You train certain aspects where one might fall short, and you improve them. Or like in the arts. You hear and take advice from others, and you train your skillset to improve. But a quote I heard on instagram has started to stick with me and correlates with TheAdultMan blog.  Inky Johnson says, “Watch your thoughts, they become your words. Watch your words, they become your actions. Watch your actions, they produce your future.”  As a young college student, we don’t have much time to let our minds rest. Therefore we are always thinking about something, which can cause a lot of overthinking. Along with overthinking there may be stressed thoughts, doubt, impulsive decisions, or even not thinking decisions through enough. But this quote has inspired me to be more mindful of what my ears intake and how I try to direct my mind.  Imagine

Update from 31 Ways to Become a Better Man

 I did some scrolling on the blog and found something intriguing. It caught my eye because there was a video of a well known man. David Goggins was the man in the video speaking. He is known for his hard work and tenacity. He was a Navy Seal and is now an American runner.  This section of the blog spoke on three things.  1. Work harder 2. Find your purpose  3. Cut out harmful behaviors  As a growing young man these are good guides to taking a step into manhood. One thing I want to add though is this can be a more spiritual walk then mental or physical. It is important for me as a young man to work on my craft, search for my purpose, and cut out harmful behaviors. However without God I can not do so.  From this section of the blog, I realized that it is important to work hard spiritually, by reading the Bible and praying. I need to let God lead my life in order to find my purpose, and give all my problems to Him. I hope all young people out there, male and female, can take these three p

Kevin Hart is a Walking Meme

Kevin Hart photos have been surfacing the internet to make funny memes.  On February 27th, Kevin Hart, a famous comedian an actor tweeted, “Can somebody tell me why I am trending… I got endless memes being sent to my phone from a bunch of friends. What is going on??? Gotta admit they are funny.” I saw the tweet before I started seeing the memes. Short after I saw the tweet on social media, my explore page on instagram and for you page on tik tok were filled with memes that had random pictures of Kevin Hart.  The funniest thing about this trend is that in the pictures, Kevin Hart’s poses have nothing to do with the captions that have been put with them. Below is a link to one of the memes.  Hart Memes These are hilarious. I strongly advise anyone who is unaware of this trend to type it in on their phone. 

Church Community In Little Rock

Growing up in Little Rock, going to church was an important asset of my upbringing. The churches and church family in Little Rock, Arkansas are strong and something that can only continue to get better. Pastor Dwight D. Townsend gives us some insight to what churches are like in Little Rock.  Dwight D. Townsend is the senior pastor at Longley Baptist Church in Little Rock, where he has been for 18 years.  Pastor Townsend says that, “The church community in Little Rock is traditionally  strong. For the most part, people regularly attend worship services, financially support and represent their churches proudly in the community. There are also a diversity of gifts in the body.” He also works with other churches. “We collaborate on many different things from ministry events to community service projects and we advocate for the voiceless.”  In those collaborations are things like revivals. I remember always going to those when I was a little kid. To me it was like extra church, but it was

Reflecting from TheAdultMan Blog

 “ We live in a world today where it’s almost ‘taboo’ to be masculine.  But if we want to become powerful, effective men, we need to let go of our culture’s weird ideas about manhood. Learn to become comfortable in your own skin. Own your masculinity. Take pride in who and what you are.” This quote from TheAdultMan blog has stuck with me. This is in timely relation to other things in my life. Weekly I have meetings with other males and we talk about becoming a better man. In our discussion we talk about how as men we need to step up more and do away with the cultural ways of today. As a developing young man I think it is important for me to take the words of older guys and heed to them.  I like the last sentence. “Take pride in who and what you are.” I have a decent idea of who I am. And I need to continue to be unapologetically myself. Pride isn’t always good however. It is important to avoid toxic masculinity and trying to be too much of a man to compensate for other areas.  All in a