Finding Purpose

 One thing a lot of people like me forget, is the fact that we are young. Being young doesn’t mean we are invincible, but it does mean the more we screw up, the less it matters. 

When you are in your teens, and early twenties, you are in a stage where you are trying to figure out who you are going to be for the rest of your life, and your PURPOSE. I hear this word a lot. “Purpose.” What does it mean? Why is it so important? Why does everyone freak out about it? All the thoughts that come to my head when I hear, “purpose,” make a little nervous or anxious because I do not know what the future holds. However, my life is in God’s hands. 

On 31 Ways to Become a Better Man blog it talks about purpose. One of the first things it says is actually a question. “Do you know what your purpose in life is.” This is a heavy question that I know most young people are trying to figure out. The blog goes on to say, “Contemplating this question will give you valuable insight into what you should probably be doing… A man without a purpose in life is like a ship lost at sea without a rudder.” I completely agree. 

I think the important thing to take away from this is that God’s plan for our life is enough. It is perfect and it is good. It is our job to listen to Him and follow His word, and his direction. Matthew 6:34 says, “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Today has enough trouble of its own.” God doesn’t want us to worry about our future and our purpose. He wants us to follow and listen to Him, and through this we will not have to be anxious. 

Like I said previously, we are young, trying new things is important to see what we like. The worst thing that can happen is we are 26 years old still living with mom and dad. No big deal. God says that a man who doesn’t work wont eat. We should use our youth to be ambitious and go getters. In 1 Timothy he was tested because he was so young. But Paul wrote to him and said do not be discouraged because you are young. 

My encouragement to those reading is be trusting in God and listen for Him. Try new things and have fun doing it. We will figure out with Christ as our leader. 


  1. I loved reading this. This blog really encouraged me as we are finishing out the semester.

  2. This is a great post DJ! This really helped me alot!


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