Benefits of Healthy Thoughts

 Everyone knows that you can’t control every thought that comes to your mind, but you can train your mind to produce better thoughts. It’s just like sports. You train certain aspects where one might fall short, and you improve them. Or like in the arts. You hear and take advice from others, and you train your skillset to improve. But a quote I heard on instagram has started to stick with me and correlates with TheAdultMan blog. 

Inky Johnson says, “Watch your thoughts, they become your words. Watch your words, they become your actions. Watch your actions, they produce your future.” 

As a young college student, we don’t have much time to let our minds rest. Therefore we are always thinking about something, which can cause a lot of overthinking. Along with overthinking there may be stressed thoughts, doubt, impulsive decisions, or even not thinking decisions through enough. But this quote has inspired me to be more mindful of what my ears intake and how I try to direct my mind. 

Imagine if you took six months to a year, to focus on self improvement. The benefits would definitely show. Whatever we think about, becomes the things we talk about with others. The things we talk about with others become the things we do in our lives. Lastly what we are doing now is what will be fruits of our labor in the future. 

It would be great to set ourselves up well for the future now and train our minds to think better. Meditating on God’s Word would be a great first step. Writing down our goals could be another. Thirdly, working on our crafts could be another added step. All these things would better our future, and hopefully make an impactful difference for the better. 


  1. I needed to read this today! Thank you Dj! Taking care of our minds is always important!

  2. This was a great read, I personally can relate to forgetting how important taking care of our minds is.


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