
Showing posts from April, 2023

Last Blog

 As this year winds down I realize how beneficial these blogs were. I am very grateful for Mrs. Williams and her class. These blogs actually did great things for me. The blogs allowed me to express my thoughts and get things off my chest. Though the assignments may have been overwhelming for me at times, looking back on it I feel like that was something that can help me be better for my future. I was told that writing is one of the best ways to relieve stress and get things off of your mind. As I reflect back on all the blogs I have done this year, I realize that some of them were really just a message to self. Of course they were able to potentially help other people, but they helped me tremendously as well.  This past school year I was able to tap in to a different creative side of me. I learned new strategies to writing, and I received plenty of motivation and reason for writing. The blogs were only a portion of the writing I have done this year.  Everything in life happens for a re

Finding Purpose

 One thing a lot of people like me forget, is the fact that we are young. Being young doesn’t mean we are invincible, but it does mean the more we screw up, the less it matters.  When you are in your teens, and early twenties, you are in a stage where you are trying to figure out who you are going to be for the rest of your life, and your PURPOSE. I hear this word a lot. “Purpose.” What does it mean? Why is it so important? Why does everyone freak out about it? All the thoughts that come to my head when I hear, “purpose,” make a little nervous or anxious because I do not know what the future holds. However, my life is in God’s hands.  On 31 Ways to Become a Better Man blog it talks about purpose. One of the first things it says is actually a question. “Do you know what your purpose in life is.” This is a heavy question that I know most young people are trying to figure out. The blog goes on to say, “Contemplating this question will give you valuable insight into what you should probabl